Self-confidence is something that can do magic. But it has been seen that due to various reasons, people lack in having self-confidence. If you are also struggling with the same problem, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Here, we are going to discuss how to improve self-confidence in the five most simple ways.
One must have experienced resilience, less vulnerability to rejection, and anxiety when self-confidence is high. The health benefits like low cortisol or the stress hormone released into our bloodstream give the feeling of relaxation when we are high on self-confidence.
Everyone wants to improve their self-confidence, but the question is how to improve self-confidence. in most cases, it becomes a challenge for an individual how to increase confidence, especially when an individual has been through a setback in the past.
Here are five simple ways in which one can quickly improve self-confidence and can increase self-esteemed alongside:
- Using Positive affirmations: This is a method in which you train your brain by practicing “You Are What You Think.” The core idea behind this practice is to fill your mind with positive thoughts. By doing so consistently, a point of time will come when your mind is full of positive thoughts on which it ultimately believes too. It is one of the simplest ways to increase self-confidence, which is also a significant reason behind the popularity of this method.
However, in this method also an individual must be practical as you cannot affirm impractical thoughts. For example, if you say, “I’m going to be successful,” instead, you can sound like, “I will persevere until I succeed!”. By doing this, all you will be doing is doubting your existence, leading you to feel low on self-worth.
- Find things in which you are good at. Exploring yourself is a big part of increasing self-confidence. One must find something they are good at and devote themselves to it. This will help you build and polish your talent as well, as when you figure out your talent, then success becomes easier in the respective domain. The small successes will boost your confidence and help you also to increase self-esteem.
- Start accepting compliments: Accepting compliments is a very complicated issue. People tend to accept it but not in a correct way. They either take it for granted, or they don’t feel they are worth the compliment when they feel bad about themselves. When individuals feel bad or low on confidence, it becomes hard for them to accept compliments, and instead, they start resisting them. But we forget that this is high time when we need to learn to accept it positively and move on to keep up the good work.
- Stop criticizing yourself.: Criticizing yourself when you need to push yourself the most would be the last thing you would do to yourself. However, it is seen that a lot of time, people tend to degrade or criticize themselves when they are low on confidence. one thing you can do is be kind to yourself and treat yourself more like a friend. Just the way you feel compassionate and sympathize with your friend when they feel low on confidence.
- Remember your real worth: People face many rejections in their lives in dating, in a job interview, and many more life instances. Slowly they start feeling low on self-confidence and self-esteem, which ultimately make them forget their real worth. You can daily write a paragraph on these qualities and make yourself remember what you are worth it. Slowly this habit will help you embrace your existence and your real worth.
Final Thought To increase self-esteem and improve self-confidence, you can easily start practicing these ways in your daily life. In no time, you will start seeing yourself transform into a very positive manner. A time will come when you don’t have to google “how to increase self-confidence.”